Career Advice & Appointments
Our staff is available to meet with students to help with anything related to their personal career development. During these appointments, staff will assist students in developing skills and knowledge related to careers and service. We maintain regular office hours, Monday 8:00 AM – 6:00 PM; Tuesday through Friday 8:00 am to 4:30 pm, for appointments and events. Students can call our office at (717) 477-1484 or drop by CUB 108 to schedule an appointment. Students may schedule to meet with our staff to discuss a multitude of topics, including:
- Choosing a Major
- What Careers Can I Pursue with This Major?
- Resume & Cover Letter Critique
- Internship Search
- Job Search Strategies & Career Planning
- Networking & social media
- Locating and Applying for Jobs in Public Service (Federal and State Government)
- Volunteering & Service Learning
- Applying to Graduate School
- Interview Preparation
Express Hours
Express Hours are designed for quick, 10–15-minute resume review with a Career Center Staff Member. They are offered during the following days and times:
- Mondays, 2-6 PM (Virtual and In-person)
- Tuesdays – Thursdays, 2-4 PM (Virtual and In-person)
Virtual Express Hours Zoom ID: careerexpresshours
Student Appointment No Show Departmental Procedures
The Career Center maintains a busy schedule with appointments, on-campus interviews and career and service-related events. We encourage students to be professional and keep scheduled appointment times. We understand that sometimes situations occur which may prevent that; but it is important to be professional in responding to those situations (Please call the office at (717) 477-1484 if you are unable to keep your scheduled appointment/interview time). Failure to keep scheduled appointments prevents others from scheduling appointments; and it reflects poorly on the student, the Career Center and the institution when students fail to keep scheduled interview times. The Career Center has developed a “Student Appointment No Show/Cancellation Procedures” which will be followed. Multiple occurrences of missed appointments will result in suspension of services to the Career Center until approval/reinstatement from the Director.