Teacher Recruitment Day - Spring 2025

Calling all Education majors looking for teaching opportunities! Come learn about different educational programs and teaching jobs in the area. Student/Candidate Registration: https://www.millersville.edu/careercenter/fairs-events/trd.php Job Seekers can view schools who are attending TRD starting February 3, 2025. CollegeCentral Network: For Job SeekersMillersville University, Student Memorial Center Ville Courts March 11, 2025 9:00 am – 12:00 pm Traditional Job Fair FormatCandidates approach a school district’s table to speak about opportunities in the district 12:00 pm – 3:00 pmTime for teacher candidates to be invited back to a district’s table for a more in-depth conversationPre-registration is not required – A copy of your resume will give you access To gain admittance, you must have completed or are currently student teaching; an alum or graduating Spring 2025 or Summer 2025 Consortium school members (Elizabethtown College, Messiah University, Millersville University, Shippensburg University, and York College of Pennsylvania) will be able to access the employers at 9:00 amNon-Consortium School Candidates pay a $20 admittance fee (cash only) and have access to the school districts at 9:00 am

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